Whether you are out on the range behind a herd of cows or stepping down into a bucking chute at a rodeo, the only thing you can know for sure is that the actions of the horse under you cannot be guaranteed. That unpredictability has created a lot of wild scenes over the years and gives us a lot of mental images to turn into artwork. Hence, you will often see one of those ranch horses having a "come apart" as the subject of many leather carvings. We chose to reproduce those carved scenes into highly detailed prints on these handsome...
Welcome to the Sharp Dressed Clothing Collection!

What IS "Sharp Dressed" ? It is a little "stall in the barn" at Martiny Saddle Co., and represents a unique selection of clothing designed for the Western-minded. The inspiration behind the name came from our fondness for the humble cactus, and the infinite design possibilities it offers. The clothing line offers another "canvas" to showcase the beauty of hand-carved leather. From denim jackets with actual hand-carved leather trim, to graphic tees with heat-transfer designs, our line represents another artistic expression in a form besides a saddle or tack. Shop the collection! All of our designs begin as a piece...
Play the Hand You Are Dealt

This is not the opening to a philosophical rambling by a recluse saddle maker. It literally means "Play the Hand You Are Dealt"....with an awesome deck of uniquely Western Playing Cards from Martiny Saddle Co.! These decks of standard Poker-size playing cards showcase a decidedly Western hand carved scene featuring a girl astride a wild bucking horse. Features include: Easy to shuffle, smooth card stock. Dimensions: 2.5" x 3.5"; poker size playing cards. 52 playing cards and 2 Jokers per deck. Available in three colors, including the popular black "Under the Rustler's Moon" featuring our bucking horse...
How about that ART OF THE COWGIRL?

What is the Art of the Cowgirl? Sounds like some kind of exclusive fine art event at a carefully lit gallery, where fine wine and cheese is served, and the patrons are dressed to the nines and speak in polite tones. Don't get me wrong- That does sound like something I would stroll through (after the opening) and admire the amazing art work, and go home inspired and uplifted. However, the Art of the Cowgirl covers a lot more country than fine art. The Art of the Cowgirl is the culmination of a dream for Montana cowgirl, Tammy Pate. Born...

It only seems appropriate that GRATITUDE should be among the very first blog posts for Martiny Saddle Co. When I ponder the question "Where would I be without __________ ??? I can fill in the blank with any number of answers, and they all deserve equal GRATITUDE. It only seems appropriate to begin the list at the beginning. Gratitude to our Maker for giving us life, and allowing us to live in such an incredibly beautiful and inspiring world. To live in the Western United States is only a dream to most people. I have had the privilege to live...